Buy cheap website hosting and domain. Are you planning on starting a website soon and looking for the best cheap website hosting and domain? In this blog post, I will highlight how you can have that done and how simple it is to get started with having a domain and website set up.
Having a website can benefit you in so many ways for example working with advertising companies as a publisher and getting paid for the traffic visiting your website, but in order to start a website, you will need to have a domain and hosting. The reason for this is because its easier for readers to find your site and having hosting allows your site to be online through a web ,server hosting platform. In this article I will highlight two ways you can set up a website.

As the name suggests Namecheap is a platform that allows you to buy domain names for as low as 0.99 dollars. There are premium site names you can purchase as well but on average you can buy a domain name around this price range. You can choose to purchase a domain and use it with a free website provider like blogger, or you can purchase a domain name and hosting on Namecheap. Namecheap is widely used by bloggers who are already using a Blogspot blog and just need a name change of the domain.